Reports until 22:43, Tuesday 13 September 2011
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:43, Tuesday 13 September 2011 (1394)
FMY cabling progress
Today, the cabling for FMY was mostly completed with the exception of the M1 - F1, F2, F3, LF outputs.  The M2 and two of the M1 outputs were connected and confirmed via the medm for the input filters.  The clamps to the BSC-ISI optical table will be installed tomorrow morning and re-routing of the extension cables will continue.  The work today established the correct cabling from each OSEM sensor to the readout signal in medm.  

M2 (UL, UR, LL, LR): 
The cables from each OSEM (D1000234 - 125") were then connected to the extension cable (D1000225 - 199") that went to the new SUS feed-through plate.  For the cable of D1000234-type, the S/N is 902.  The extension cable S/N is 1104781.  

M1 (RT,SD):
The cables for only the RT and SD OSEM were connected and confirmed via the medm readout.  The D1000234-type cable S/N is 901.  The D1000225-type cable has a S/N of 779.  

M1 (F1,F2,F3,LF):
The SUS feed-through plate on the mechanical test stand will need to be adjusted to accommodate the extension cable (D1000225 - 199").  The plate did not leave enough room to squeeze this cable in without rubbing against the (dirty) Test Stand.