Reports until 11:04, Wednesday 14 September 2011
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:04, Wednesday 14 September 2011 (1395)
Swapped out satellite boxes on X1 test stand
I swapped out the satellite boxes in the test stand for new ones provided by Vern, with all the latest fixes from G1100856 according to stickers on the front:

Gain resistors R1012-R402 changed to 121K
Inductors L101-L401 changed to 100R resistors
Capacitors C107-407 removed
ICs IC551 and IC552 changed to OP27
(No offset resistors as per experimental change on some boxes.)

I opened the boxes and triple checked that all the jumpers were set to "L" (=LIGO=photoconductive mode=10 V bias). 

The old and new boxes were

M0-F1 to M0-LF: 32007-14 -> 3202-012, a.k.a., S1100124
M0-RT to R0-F2: 32007-15 -> 3202-004, a.k.a., S1100125
R0-F3 to R0-SD: 32007-03 -> 3202-026, a.k.a., S1100126
L1: 32007-08 -> 3202-018, a.k.a., S1100127
L2: 32007-06 -> 3202-034, a.k.a., S1100129 (yes, not 128)

The new boxes have not yet been tested against actual OSEMs - hopefully in the next day or so.