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Reports until 18:45, Thursday 18 September 2014
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:45, Thursday 18 September 2014 (14023)
some beam propagation calculations for HAM6

Using Lisa's updated H1 optical parameters from LHO:13815, and also the as-built positions of the HAM6 optics, I've made some beam propagation calculations for the AS WFS and the beams on ISCT6.  The script and the parameters file are attached.  Here are some things to note:

Here's some data:

OMC Overlap 0.874 0.939
OM1 Guoy phase 108.9 120.6
OM2 Guoy phase -149.0 -148.1
OM3 Guoy phase -118.7 -117.8
OMC A spot size (radius, mm) 0.69 0.62
OMC B spot size 0.82 0.74
AS WFS A spot size 0.37 0.34
AS WFS B spot size 0.18 0.20
distance from waist -> WFS B (mm, positive is upstream) 40.8 29.6


I attach plots of the ITMY single-bounce beam path for the OMC and for the AS WFS.  The locations of the in-vacuum components were calculated using the closeout photos that Koji took before we closed the chamber; they are here and here.  The path lengths between optical elements are probably subject to errors of order a centimeter.

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