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Reports until 21:21, Sunday 28 September 2014
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:21, Sunday 28 September 2014 (14196)
OMC weekend update: modulation depth, mode matching, other news

Last night I used the good alignment of the OMC from the dither loops to sweep the cavity with a single-bounce beam from ITMX and ITMY.  The result is that I think the modulation depth mystery is gone (Gamma2 = 0.077, for the 45MHz sidebands; in hindsight my earlier calculation was wrong) and we see a difference in the mode-matching to the OMC between ITMX and ITMY that matches what we expect from the as-built optical parameters.  So, maybe life makes sense again...


===== Modulation Depth =====

The short story is that I mis-identified the peaks from the 45MHz sidebands in the measurement from Sep 19th.  Probably I was looking at the 1st and 4th order carrier modes; with the good alignment the 1st order mode is much smaller, and there's no way to mistake that the 4th order peak doesn't have a matching peak at the other end of the FSR.  The two plots attached show the cavity sweeps of ITMX and ITMY; the peaks used to calculate the modulation depth are marked with black crosses.  There are five sweeps for each optic. The peak heights are averaged and used to calculate J1(Gamma), and the value of Gamma that returns J1(Gamma) is calculated using the scipy.special.jn() function.  The result is:

Gamma1 (9MHz) = 0.211

Gamma2 (45MHz) = 0.077

These results are consistent for the upper and lower sidebands of each modulation frequency, and are the same for ITMX and ITMY.  The variation from one sweep to the next is small (usually less than 0.001).  Also, this measurement of the modulation depth for the 45MHz sidebands agrees with a measurement from last December.  No modulation mystery after all?

(I hope that Koji will check these results with his more-sophisticated peak-calibration code.  If you are comparing my plots to his, note that my data use up-going sweeps of the PZT, while his are down-going (for example here), and so the order of the peaks is flipped between the two.  The latest (Sep 28th) sweep data are here.)


===== Mode Matching =====

Using the mode scans we can make an estimate of the mode-matching of the single bounce beam into OMC.  Following Koji's calculation I use the peak height of the 2nd-order carrier mode to make a rough estimate of the mode overlap, using the expression MM = 1 - (CR_TEM20/CR_TEM00).  This calculation is rough, in that it ignores the power in the higher order modes, and just uses the peak height; I will try to include the HOMs and integrate the peaks later, but the answer should be the same to within a percent or two.  For each ITM we get:

ITMX = 0.884

ITMY = 0.913

The magnitude of the mode mismatch, and the difference between the ITMs, is in agreement with predictions from the beam-propagation.  Good alignment matters!  I suppose the next step will be to check that we can improve things with TCS.  (Again, someone should make an independent calculation using this sweep data...)


===== Other Stuff =====

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