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Reports until 18:24, Thursday 19 August 2010
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:24, Thursday 19 August 2010 (143)
Reconfigured DAQ, added channels, turned on second trends
Dave and Alex,

Using Mark's full list of 64 fast channels which should be acquired
by the DAQ we increased L1QTS.ini from 25 chans to the required 64 chans.

All fast channels are being acquired at 2048Hz.

We attempted to turn on the second and minute trends, but found that starting
minute trends crashed the DAQ. Alex took a look at the code, but was unable
to find the cause. So for now, we are only acquiring full frame and second 

I did the math, and figured that with the disk space available we can have:

14 days of second trends
11.5 days of full data

We can extend the second trend look back at the expense of full frames
if this is required. 

The DAQ was restarted many times between 17:30 and 18:30 for this work.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.