Reports until 20:05, Tuesday 20 September 2011
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:05, Tuesday 20 September 2011 (1434)
H2SUSFMY Basic Compensation and Damping Filters Installed
In the interest of time, using good 'ol foton, I've installed the basic electronics compensation and damping filters that we've been using thus far to commission the BSFM/QUAD in the assembly area, since it's basically the same electronics. These include (notation is [zeros:poles], every filter has a gain of 1).

- In the M1 OSEMINF banks, compensation for the analog whitening in the Satellite Amplifiers, a [10:0.4] dewhitening filter.
- In the M1 COILOUTF banks, compensation for the analog dewhitening of the "acquire" state of the TOP coil driver. a [1:31] anti-dewhitening filter (note, as with the QUAD, there is an additional state [1,1:10,31], but I have not yet installed that filter)
- In the M1 DAMP banks, the same simple damping loops that have been inherited from the LASTI QUAD; a differentiator with a cutoff ([0:20,20]), and the 50Hz elliptical filter.

Now that these filters are installed, as soon as the M1 BOSEMs are restored to the middle of the range, and properly diagonalized, we *should* be able to close damping loops (though it should be done cautiously at first!!).