Reports until 19:39, Wednesday 21 September 2011
virginio.sannibale@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:39, Wednesday 21 September 2011 (1436)
TMS: Wires Clamp Assembly
(Andreas, Jeff B., Craig & Virginio)

Modified the jig to string the wire, see pictures 

Nominal load  146lbs = 66.36kg => used 66 kg (nominal values read on the weights)

Wire music steel wire diam  1.1 mm 

Distance between the aluminum parts the hold the clamps (425 +- 0.3) mm ( see picture) 
Used two 10 mm spacers to get to 425 mm. This should bring the clamps'  distance to 455 mm 
as shown  in drawing
We need to design a couple of parts to have a better way string the wires.
Images attached to this report