Reports until 09:53, Wednesday 08 October 2014
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:53, Wednesday 08 October 2014 (14367)
CDS model and DAQ restart report, Tuesday 7th October 2014

model restarts logged for Tue 07/Oct/2014
2014_10_07 08:44 h1iscey
2014_10_07 08:54 h1iscey
2014_10_07 09:07 h1iscey
2014_10_07 09:10 h1asc
2014_10_07 09:21 h1iscex
2014_10_07 09:35 h1asc
2014_10_07 09:35 h1iscex
2014_10_07 09:35 h1iscey
2014_10_07 11:05 h1calex
2014_10_07 11:05 h1iopiscex
2014_10_07 11:05 h1iscex
2014_10_07 11:05 h1odcx
2014_10_07 11:05 h1pemex

2014_10_07 11:59 h1broadcast0
2014_10_07 11:59 h1caley
2014_10_07 11:59 h1dc0
2014_10_07 11:59 h1fw0
2014_10_07 11:59 h1fw1

2014_10_07 11:59 h1iopiscey
2014_10_07 11:59 h1iscey

2014_10_07 11:59 h1nds0
2014_10_07 11:59 h1nds1

2014_10_07 11:59 h1odcy
2014_10_07 11:59 h1pemey
2014_10_07 12:39 h1iopiscey
2014_10_07 12:41 h1caley
2014_10_07 12:41 h1iscey
2014_10_07 12:41 h1odcy
2014_10_07 12:41 h1pemey
2014_10_07 12:45 h1iopiscex
2014_10_07 12:47 h1calex
2014_10_07 12:47 h1iscex
2014_10_07 12:47 h1odcx
2014_10_07 12:47 h1pemex

2014_10_07 12:48 h1broadcast0
2014_10_07 12:48 h1dc0
2014_10_07 12:48 h1fw0
2014_10_07 12:48 h1fw1
2014_10_07 12:48 h1nds0
2014_10_07 12:48 h1nds1

2014_10_07 13:04 h1pemex
2014_10_07 13:06 h1pemey

2014_10_07 13:08 h1dc0
2014_10_07 13:08 h1fw0
2014_10_07 13:08 h1fw1
2014_10_07 13:08 h1nds0
2014_10_07 13:08 h1nds1
2014_10_07 13:12 h1broadcast0

2014_10_07 14:56 h1calex
2014_10_07 14:56 h1iopiscex
2014_10_07 14:56 h1iscex
2014_10_07 14:56 h1odcx
2014_10_07 14:56 h1pemex

2014_10_07 15:02 h1iopsusex
2014_10_07 15:02 h1susetmx
2014_10_07 15:02 h1sustmsx
2014_10_07 15:06 h1hpietmx
2014_10_07 15:06 h1iopseiex
2014_10_07 15:06 h1isietmx

2014_10_07 15:35 h1calex
2014_10_07 15:35 h1iopiscex
2014_10_07 15:35 h1iscex
2014_10_07 15:35 h1odcx
2014_10_07 15:35 h1pemex

No unexpected restarts. A busy maintenance day. Daniel's ASC and ISC model changes. Addition of CAL models to end station ISC. Recovery of EX SEI and SUS after accidental crash. Associated DAQ restarts.