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Reports until 18:44, Thursday 19 August 2010
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:44, Thursday 19 August 2010 (144)
Rolf and Alex visit to test H2 DAQ using DTS
Rolf and Alex's visit started yesterday, August 18th. 
This visit will extend through to next Wednesday 25th.

Just a quick alog to note the start. The DAQ test stand
is being reconfigured as a H2 simulation to load test
the new H2 DAQ system. 

The H2 DAQ rack was moved from the MSR into the DTS room,
and the h2daqdc0 and h2daqnds0 were built for the
initial testing.

More detailed alogs with pictures to follow. As-built drawings
will be posted to the DCC.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.