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Reports until 18:33, Thursday 22 September 2011
virginio.sannibale@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:33, Thursday 22 September 2011 (1447)
TMS: Payload Suspension wires and Dummy Payload
(Jeff B., Craig, Virginio)

Finished the assembly of the wires+clamps to suspend the payload.

Wires are now all attached to the suspension.

Finally, we found the dummy payload still sitting inside a wooden crate in the Y End Station
Unfortunately, it hasn't been cleaned yet. Maybe, we can class B clean only the parts that go 
into direct contact with the wires' clamps. This will require a small oven for the baking 
instead a big one which is at least 34" deep, and maybe this will save us some time.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.