Reports until 12:25, Friday 23 September 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:25, Friday 23 September 2011 (1452)
ITMy monolithic work
By COB (very late) last night, Angus, Giles, and Gary had finished welding 3 fibers to the ITMy monolithic.  They used 4 fibers to do this, as the first fiber was removed due to an errant touch.  They also had another fiber that they were concerned about but pressed on.

This morning, they welded the 4th fiber and re-evaluated the 2nd fiber.  They have just decided to remove it and will do that this afternoon.  Gary is leaving on a flight now, so Angus and Giles will perform the final welds of this last fiber onto the suspension.