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Reports until 14:22, Friday 23 September 2011
virginio.sannibale@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:22, Friday 23 September 2011 (1454)
TMS: Dummy Payload
(Craig, Virginio)

Class B parts of the dummy mass (DM) are in the oven since this morning. They will be certainly ready next Monday.

The rest of the DM parts have been wipe cleaned with isopropanol before entering into the Y end station clean room  and then re-cleaned again with isopropanol and acetone in the clean room.

Now, the big plate with the bars with the weights are sitting on the genie in the clean room and some other parts are on a small cart (see picture)

Some tools are needed to realign the DM  which are not class B:

 3/16 Allen key for 1/4 screws
 5/16 Allen key for 3/8 screws
 9/16 box wrench for 3/8 nuts


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