Reports until 17:21, Friday 23 September 2011
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:21, Friday 23 September 2011 (1456)
EY front end computers running
Richard, Cyrus, Jim, Filiberto, Dave S and Dave B

We have all the installed front end computers at the EY station running. The only machine not currently installed is h2tcsey. All required networks (CDS, H2FE, ADMIN, H2DAQ) are running on the installed switches.

The h2susauxb6 (auxiliary suspensions for ETMY) is connected to its IO Chassis and I have an IOP model running. The timing looks good. The other front end computers (h2susb6, h2seib6, h2pemey) do not currently have IO Chassis installed. 

I have expanded the CDS overview medm screen to show these new nodes.