Reports until 11:22, Saturday 24 September 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:22, Saturday 24 September 2011 - last comment - 11:42, Saturday 24 September 2011(1458)
ITMy monolithic is hanging!
Last night, the final fiber weld on ITMy was made.  Angus and Giles performed the annealing of the welds, and we proceeded to hang the Test Mass with Jason on the scopes to watch pointing and elongation.  It hung successfully!  

The pitch differential observed between the PUM and the Test Mass was found to be 1.8 mRad when hanging, inside the goal of 2 mRad.  The elongation of the fibers was measured to be 6.3 mm (6mm expected).

More pictures will be posted over the next few days (this one of Angus/Giles annealing a lower set of welds on the ITMy).
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 11:42, Saturday 24 September 2011 (1459)

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