Reports until 20:06, Saturday 24 September 2011
angus.bell@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:06, Saturday 24 September 2011 (1460)
Monolithic quad first shake down and guard install
Angus Giles Mark 
set up optical lever and the laser autocollimator to masure modal frequencies of the ITM hanging from the nominally fixed PUM. 0.656 Hz (longitudinal), 1.1 Hz (pitch), 6.75 Hz (bounce - need to multiply by approx 1.42 to get number when PUM is free), 1.09 Hz (yaw). Measure two violin modes provisionally to be 524 Hz and 522 Hz. Had problems with reasonances in the measurement set-up that stopped us getting values fo rthe others. Probably the weld shelves were vibrating or something similar.
Fitted fibre guards without to many problems but NOTE ****** the left hand side guard is very close to the mass - less than 1 mm clearance. Please have a look at it before doing **anything**. Clearance on the fibres is fine.
The mass has the teflon brackets under the upper earthquake stops and the lower line stops just touching the mass.
It would be nice to get a number for the centre to centre distance - perhaps that could be done next week by referencing the two ears or something similar.
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