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Reports until 15:35, Wednesday 28 September 2011
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:35, Wednesday 28 September 2011 (1477)
Created h2sustmsy.mdl
I've finished creating a simulink control model for the H2 SUS TMSY. It lives under

I've followed the latest versions of 
T1000588-v6 -- to get the DCUID (99), front end computer (h2susetmy), and specific_cpu (3 -- remember core counting in Rolf's document starts at 1, where as it starts from 0 in the model)
D1002741-v2 -- to get the ADC, DAC, and BIO mapping.
and used the recently developed library parts
to create

I've successfully compiled it on h2build and I've also make-installed it. Since h2susetmy (the front end) isn't hooked up to the network yet, I haven't tried starting it.

Working on generic overview screens meow. Should get them out by tomorrow.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.