Reports until 10:47, Monday 03 November 2014
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:47, Monday 03 November 2014 (14808)
Reminder, clocks went back at 2am Sunday, so autoburt entry to 1am was written twice (overwritten)

A reminder that at 2am PDT, the clocks went back one hour to 1am PST. This means the hourly autoburt wrote out two "1am" sets of data, the second one overwriting the first. This can be seen if we look at a GPS time channel in one of the snap files. There gap between the midnight entry and the "1am" entry is 7198 seconds, or 1.999 hours.

Also remember local time is now UTC - 8hr

00:10/h1nds0epics.snap:RO H1:DAQ-NDS0_GPS 1 1.098947755000000e+09

01:10/h1nds0epics.snap:RO H1:DAQ-NDS0_GPS 1 1.098954953000000e+09

02:10/h1nds0epics.snap:RO H1:DAQ-NDS0_GPS 1 1.098958553000000e+09

03:10/h1nds0epics.snap:RO H1:DAQ-NDS0_GPS 1 1.098962155000000e+09