Reports until 14:17, Friday 30 September 2011
H2 General
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:17, Friday 30 September 2011 (1485)
Damage conflat knife edge on aHAM8
Mark Lane (Apollo) showed me a damaged conflat knife edge that he had discovered while installing aLIGO feedthrough flanges today.  The flange in question is on the 10" nozzle's 12" CFF located on the bottom center of the north end of aHAM8 -> I inspected it.  It is a deep depression of the knife edge as would be expected from a perpendicular impact and not a scratch as is typically the case. I did not attempt to repair it at this time.  

I'll point this out to John W. when he gets back to give him the option to inspect it himself before proceeding.