Reports until 07:48, Monday 03 October 2011
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:48, Monday 03 October 2011 (1490)
Created Generic TMTS MEDM Screens
After installing the h2sustmsy.mdl last week, I'd finished up the infrastructure by creating a set of generic MEDM screens for H2 SUS TMSY. The overview screen is now linked off of the sitemap. I attach a screenshot of the over view screen (which should look strikingly familiar to other SUS screens). 

The files can be found in 

Of interesting note -- though the TMTS has its top stage controlled by a stage that is virtually identical to a QUAD TOP stage, the "gotcha" here is that the TMTS TOP stage (M1) is rotated 90 degrees in its "cube" (which on the QUAD is the upper structure cage). As a result, where F1, F2, and F3 control LONG and PITCH on a QUAD (and BSFM), they control TRANS and ROLL on a TMTS. Similarly, where TRANS is the "lonely DOF" having only the SD OSEM to control it on the QUAD, LONG is the "lonely DOF" controlled by the SD OSEM on a TMTS. Hopefully, the cartoon and Cartesian coordinate definition on the overview screens help differentiate this fact.
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