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Reports until 10:51, Monday 03 October 2011
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:51, Monday 03 October 2011 (1492)
FMY input filter for "F1" updated
Dave B., Jeffrey G.

After noticing the extra noise from the M1 "F1" OSEM on the FMY, the input filter for the "F1" OSEM was switched on and off to see if it was contributing to the noise.  Switching the filter off settled down the signal and the foton .txt file was investigated for discrepancies amongst the OSEM channels.  The apparent difference was found in the "F1" filter bank which had a different gain.  These input filters should all be identical with a zero at 10 and a pole at 0.4.  The "F1" input filter now matches the other OSEMs' and the noise from this signal has settled to reasonable levels.  
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.