Reports until 08:35, Wednesday 05 October 2011
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:35, Wednesday 05 October 2011 - last comment - 13:39, Thursday 06 October 2011(1508)
Signal Routing changed on X1 SUS QUAD
Since we've moved forward with the suggested clean up of the TOP stage of a QUAD's cable routing (see T1100327-v3, D080273-v2), this change needed to be accounted for in the test stand's simulink model, given that the order of the analog inputs have changed as a part of the clean up. I've edited, compiled, and installed the simulink model
to reflect the new input order as defined on D080273-v2:

ADC Channel     Signal
0               M0 F1
1               M0 F2
2               M0 F3
3               M0 SD

4               M0 LF
5               M0 RT
6               R0 LF
7               R0 RT

8               R0 F1
9               R0 F2
10              R0 F3
11              R0 SD

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:39, Thursday 06 October 2011 (1514)
In this update, I [forgot / didn't realize] that the *output* order needs changing as well. I've now installed the model with *both* the inputs and outputs matching the signal order shown above. This corresponds to the userapps svn repo version 1190.