Reports until 09:27, Friday 07 October 2011
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:27, Friday 07 October 2011 (1521)
Test stand data rate issue
I called in Dave Barker to diagnose an issue with the test stand. I wanted to create a DTT job to look at X1:SUS-QUAD_M0_OSEMINF_F1_OUT and 19 other X1:*_OSEMINF_*_OUT channels (with a view to getting the dewhitened noise signal from a batch of AOSEMs which will presently be hooked up and tested for noise). 

The problem that I saw was that only of order 5-6 channels had valid data - the rest had garbage (typically a few non-zero data points and the rest zero) repeating on a 1 second loop.

Jeff K and I tried his new x1susquad model (with the swapped channels to allow for the new OSEM wiring) and saw the same problem. We reverted to the old model and still saw the problem so we put the new model back in place.

After a few reboots of the test stand and much head scratching, we found the problem was a marginal .ini file (  /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/chans/daq/X1SUSQUAD.ini ) which was logging so many channels that there was no processor time left over to look at 20 test points. Dave Barker saved the large version as X1SUSQUAD_verylarge.ini , and put in a minimal one (there's a rule that at least two channels must be uncommented). I made a spare copy of the minimal one at X1SUSQUADminimal.ini . We will need to swap back in the large one before trying to do transfer functions.