Reports until 16:57, Friday 07 October 2011
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:57, Friday 07 October 2011 (1523)
Unit #3 Assembly Progress
After discovering there was an unacceptable amount of twist happening between Stages 0-1 on BSC Unit #3 the springs and flexures were uninstalled and replaced with new ones.  New flexure brackets were installed as well. The new parts are as follows:

	Corner 1
	Spring 0-1 s/n 15
	Flexure 0-1 s/n 138
	Flexure 1-2 s/n 140

	Corner 2
	Spring 0-1 s/n 10
	Flexure 0-1 s/n 131
	Flexure 0-2 s/n 132

	Corner 3
	Spring 0-1 s/n 13
	Flexure 0-1 s/n 150
	Flexure 1-2 s/n 120 

 The twist is now down to less ~.007" but we'll need to re-level to be sure. Regardless, this is much improved over the previous state of affairs.