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Reports until 09:58, Saturday 08 October 2011
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:58, Saturday 08 October 2011 (1524)
H2 aLIGO PSL installation
Lots of progress made this week with assistance seven colleagues from AEI and LZH in Hannover, Germany (Maik Frede, Mathias Janssen, Raphael Kluzik, Michaela Pickenpack, Oliver Puncken, Benno Willke, Lutz Winkelmann) and Peter King from CIT as well as Michael Rodruck, Dave Barker, Cyrus Reed, Richard McCarthy, Patrick Thomas, Irena Libby, et al. from LHO.

The PSL components were uncrated and moved to the LVEA, then into the Laser Diode Room, Chiller Room, and Laser Area Enclosure.  The high-power oscillator (770 lbs.) was moved into position on the PSL/IO table along with the front end laser, diagnostics breadboard, and pre-modecleaner assembly.  The fibers for the 800 nm pump light were run between the Laser Diode Room and the Laser Room.  Hoses were installed between the chiller and the water piping and the system was charged with water and tested.  The scheme for removing the chiller heat by dumping it into the LVEA return air plenum via an exhaust chimney appears to be working well.  Video cameras are operating and generating Laser Room and Ante-room images that are being displayed in the control room and outside the Laser Room in the LVEA.  Cabling work in the Laser Diode Room and PSL racks adjacent to the Laser Room is ongoing.

On Monday, we plan to begin commissioning of the front-end laser (35-W laser like that used for eLIGO).
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.