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Reports until 17:38, Monday 10 October 2011
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:38, Monday 10 October 2011 (1532)
Brushing of the floor was completed this morning. On a positive note, only two drills were required to clean the chamber! First vacuum was finished and wipe down is about 80% done. Some black "crusty" stuff was found on portions of the downstream beamtube nozzle. It required scraping with a razor blade to release from the surface which appeared "pitted" in the areas where "crusties" were found. After I inspected a sample and observed the scraping in action, I consulted with Michael L. We agreed that all areas that had "crusties" should have a post-work FTIR taken. 
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.