Reports until 21:01, Tuesday 11 October 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:01, Tuesday 11 October 2011 - last comment - 21:08, Tuesday 11 October 2011(1544)
ITMy monolithic work
Today, after rechecking the lock-down of all of the masses, and checking over the fiber guard once more, Travis and I moved the ITMy Main Chain (monolithic) into the split tooling cradle where the lower chains were to be mated back up.  In order to do this we had to remove the First Contact (FC) from the CP HR and ITMy AR surfaces.  We blew the surfaces with the deionizing gun (N2) as per the removal procedure.  I wiped the CP outer edges of the gold coating in a few spots where it didn't look like the FC was fully removed.  The ITM AR surface looked good, with the exception of the outer edge 1 cm in from the bevel where the FC was not covering for the last few months.  There was some minor particulate there, it would not blow away with the gun, and I did not want to do more FC application/removal that close to the edge, so we opted to leave it.

When we attempted to marry the chains, we discovered that the fiber guard blocks access fro the 2" screws which bolt the chains together.  So, we stopped will bring shorter screws in tomorrow to see if they work.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 21:08, Tuesday 11 October 2011 (1546)

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