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Reports until 18:19, Tuesday 11 October 2011
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:19, Tuesday 11 October 2011 - last comment - 13:06, Wednesday 12 October 2011(1541)
Wiring fixed in h2susauxb478 model.

For whatever reason (likely due to a change in the wiring, or just to the trickyness of the wiring to the front end) there were a couple of wiring mistakes in the h2susauxb478 model.  I consulted H2 aLIGO BS, ITM and FM Suspensions Controls Wiring (D1001725) and was able to clean it up as best as I could.  The model was then recompiled, installed, and restarted on h2susauxb478.

Comments related to this report
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 13:06, Wednesday 12 October 2011 (1549)

So it turns out that the wiring change was due to a reconfiguration of the cable layout to the QUAD M0 and R0 stages, as specified in #1508 and #1513.  The wiring diagram in v7 of D1001725-v7 reflects the proper changes, and this is what the SUSAUX models were brought into line with, so all is good.

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