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Reports until 16:09, Thursday 13 October 2011
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:09, Thursday 13 October 2011 (1560)
ETMY SUS model (h2susetmy) updated

The ETMY SUS model (h2susetmy) has been updated and brought into sync with the ITMY SUS model (h2susitmy).

This was done by taking the itmy model, modifying the cdsParameters and subsystem names appropriately, and fixing the IO wiring to match that of the SUS ETM controls wiring diagram D1002741-v3.

NOTE: the DIO stuff was not changed.  As far as I can tell from the wiring diagram the BIO wiring for ETMY is the same as that for ITMY.  However, I'm not entirely clear how the BIO interface works, so I may be misunderstanding the mapping.  I'll try to confirm and post a follow up to this log.

NOTE: the model was compiled and installed but is not currently running.

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