Reports until 18:11, Thursday 13 October 2011
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:11, Thursday 13 October 2011 (1562)
h2susitmy model restarted; CA exceptions encountered

I made a couple of minor tweaks to the h2susitmy model. Most of them were entirely cosmetic, but I did change a couple of the goto/from names to be a little more generic, mostly just to make things easier when porting the model to other quad suspensions (etmy, itmx, etc.). I recompiled the model to confirm that everything was kosher, and restarted it on h2susb478. The seemed to come back up fine after the restart...

However, during the restart I received a flood of the following messages:

    Warning: "Identical process variable names on multiple servers"
    Context: "Channel: "H2:SUS-ITMY_R0_COILOUTF_F2_SW1R", Connecting to:, Ignored: = 31 messages were discarded
Channel: "H2:SUS-ITMY_R0_COILOUTF_F2_Name03", Connecting to: h2susb478:56833, Ignored:"
    Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1209
    Current Time: Thu Oct 13 2011 17:33:47.977845564

I'm not sure what's causing this issue, although I note that Cyrus and Jim were working on EPICS gateway stuff earlier today....  Still investigating the issue...