[Alexa, Mackenzie, Paul]
This morning with some free time on the IMC, we were going to re-run the alignment offset calibration procedure in preparation for a beam jitter measurement (a la aLOG 9870 and aLOG 10016). However, I found that the script failed when looking for the channel H1:IMC-WFS_SWTCH. The IMC_WFS_MASTER medm screen still has a button that should be controlling this switch.
Alexa dug around in the IMC_WFS_MASTER.adl file to find out what that switch was linked to and found that it actually calls the scripts "/opt/rtcds/userapps/release/ioo/h1/scripts/imc/mcwfson" and "wfsoff".
Looking into the mcwfson script, we saw that the script sets the WFS gain to 0.25 (writing to H1:IMC-WFS_GAIN), and attempts to switch the missing channel H1:IMC-WFS_SWTCH to 1.
Running the script from the terminal gives the error: channel H1:IMC-WFS_SWTCH not accessible. A quick caget gives the same result.
Does anyone know where this channel went?
This switch was removed in favour of another trigger switch at LLO. I believe the related alog to this change is this LLO alog 10933 by David F