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Reports until 15:52, Monday 17 October 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Monday 17 October 2011 (1574)
ITMy status
Attempting to fix the overall pitch problem of the main chain.  After working through course pitch adjustments at the Top Mass, we in-fact found a differential pitch between the Top Mass and UIM.  After a few hours of fussing with UIM masses we discovered that one of the UIM wire clamps was clamped down on the free end of the wire which was bent under the clamp.  So we lifted and lowered masses, removed the clamp, fixed the wire, and still found the differential pitch was hanging around.  So, now we are installing the new redesigned UIM pitch adjusting turrets to see if they help us any.  We might try swapping wire segments out altogether but we're not willing to do that just yet.  Mid-diagnostics, Jason is setting up to measure if the PUM-to-Test Mass pitch differential is still 3.6 mRAD.  
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.