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Reports until 12:57, Wednesday 19 October 2011
anamaria.effler@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:57, Wednesday 19 October 2011 - last comment - 17:50, Wednesday 19 October 2011(1586)
Generic BSFM Medms Made More Generic
This is a post I made in the LLO elog, but it's relevant for LHO even more so. Excuse the "they", I'm speed-copy-pasting. 

Because the generic medms were first implemented at LHO, there were some non-generic things here and there.
I fixed everything and they work swimmingly here now. Main change is addition of new variable called "site". In the case of X2, its value is "tst". I also prettified some things, and fixed some white boxes, nothing notable.

Now I have to make these changes at LHO, because their stuff won't work anymore if they do an svn update on the medm/bsfm/ directory. 

Most likely this is true of other systems' generic medms, but I'll worry about that later, to ensure I don't break every medm on H2.

Note for the unfamiliar:
The idea is to have generic medms in the cds svn, that all sites use, and that are identical. This requires having variables all over the place. The way it's done is to have a sitemap for each system not in the svn, which has the correct hardcoded variable values for that particular system. For example, X2SUSBSFM has FEC=11, site=tst, comp=llosus1, ifo=x2, etc. The generic medms are called through this assignment, and they replace their variables with the values given by the sitemap. Problems will arise if the generic screens have accidental local variables still not changed (found some "h2"s here and there that I had to change to $ifo) or if they simply don't have one of the variable assigned at all. The screens won't open, etc, not too hard to trace and fix, but annoying.

Exact changes
.../userapps/release/sus/common/medm/bsfm$ perl -pi -e 's/lho/$(site)/g' *.adl
.../userapps/trunk/sus/common/medm/bsfm$ perl -pi -e 's/h2/$(ifo)/g' *.adl
.../userapps/trunk/sus/common/medm/bsfm$ perl -pi -e 's/IOPSUS/IOP/g' *.adl
.../userapps/trunk/sus/common/medm/bsfm$ perl -pi -e 's/iopsus/iop/g' *.adl

Except SUS_BSFM_MAIN_MENU.adl I left hardcoded to LHO stuff since X2 has its own local sitemap.adl in /opt/rtcds/tst/x2/medm.
This is the ONLY place to start medms for X2SUSBSFM at the moment. 
The alias "mr" takes you there.
Comments related to this report
anamaria.effler@LIGO.ORG - 17:50, Wednesday 19 October 2011 (1588)
Assuming the SITEMAP.adl in /opt/rtcds/lho/h2/medm/ is used to launch SUS screens, I have svn updated the bsfm generic screens and all still work. If you are using other sitemaps to launch suspension screens (which have args hardcoded) lemme know.
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