The B&K hammer impulse response tests were performed last Thursday on the FMY attached to the BSC-ISI with the BSC-ISI "floating" (blade springs allowed to move freely). Tap test locations were the same as those selected previously with the BSC-ISI locked. There were 5 locations on the lower half of the FMY and 5 locations on the upper half of the structure. The taps tests were conducted with the M1 Stage damping loops both ON and OFF. However, during the tap tests on the upper half of the structure with the damping loops ON, the software reported trouble recognising the hammer hardware. After several reboots, the FrontEnd could still not detect the hammer. It was noticed that the BNC cable connecting the hammer to the FrontEnd had it's shielding stripped with some loose wiring at the hammer end. This was noticed while performing tap tests on the Upper half of the structure with Damping loops ON. Thus, the M1 Damping loops ON tests are only of the locations on the LOWER half of the structure. The tap tests with the M1 damping loops OFF were completed for all 10 locations on the upper and lower halves. The first pdf has plots of the B&K hammer response on the Lower half of the FMY structure in 5 locations. The Damping loops on the M1 stage were OFF. Second pdf is of the Upper half locations with M1 Damping Loops OFF. Third plot is of the same locations with M1 Damping ON, the fourth of the same Upper half locations. Comparison Plots: The fifth, sixth, and seventh plots compare the 5 locations of the LOWER half of the structure separated by degree of freedom. The degrees of freedom are the X,Y,and Z local coordinates of the accelerometer.