Three weeks ago the PSL team started to install the H2 laser and its stabilization. In summary the 35W front end laser and the 200W high power oscilator (HPL)are running. The HPL is injection locked. The diagnostic breadboard (DBB) is installed and functionable (final calibration still pending). The 35W front end is aligned to the DBB and first modescans and noise measurements were taken. The full PSL DAQ system was tested via a loop back test (inputs connected to outputs at field module location). The four PSL real time models are running. Some more details: We have installed the 35W and the 200W laser on the table in the laser area enclosure (LAE), the laser pump diodes in the laser diode room (LDR), the chillers in the chiller room, run pump light fibers between the LDR and LAE. In addition we installed all the PSL electronics in the PSL racks in the LVEA. The CDS system (front end, AA/AI filters) are installed temporarily in a rack in the LVEA (they need to move eventually to the H2 electronics room). All cables are run between the CDS system and the PSL rack, and between the racks and the LAE. Many of the PSL optical components (including PMC, reference cavity, DBB) are on the table. The laser computer control (Beckhoff) was installed and tested. The laser interlock system was tested and the test protocol signed by PSL subsystem lead and LHO laser safety officer. The 35W laser was realigned and tested. The pumplight fibers were tested and the slopes of the four laser diode boxes were taken. After that the fibers were connected to the HPL and the laser resonator, pumplight injection and 4f optics were aligned. (See a different lab book entry for the HPL performance). All optical spares were transfered into the ante room of the LAE. After several alignment itterations the HPL showed a similar good performance as it did in Hannover and the injection locking was initiated. The system locked at the first try and optimization of the combined 35W/HPL system is ongoing. We installed all required DAQ cables between the field modules and the AA/AI filters. This is a temporal installation on the AA/AI filter side and a final installation on the PSL rack side. We did not connect all the spare cables. This should be done during the final installation (when the CDS rack moves to the H2 electronic room). To test the CDS DAQ chain we run a loop back test (model and scripts were developed by Ryan DeRosa). This send out a 100Hz signal via the DACs, AI filters and cables to the field modules. From here the signal is send via a second cable back to an AA filter, digitized with an AD card and the in-phase and quadrature signals are calculated. We found one broken cable (PMC module AI channel 10) which was fixed. All software required for the automatic DBB measurements was installed and first DBB measurements were take. The final calibration of the DBB is in progress.