Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 23:45, Thursday 20 October 2011
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:45, Thursday 20 October 2011 - last comment - 17:22, Friday 21 October 2011(1598)
h2susauxb478 and h2susauxb6 models updated to reflect changes in wiring to IO chassis

It was found that the sus monitoring systems did not have channel 31 on ADC0 reserved for timing/duotone inputs. After some discussion it was determined that all IO chassis should have the same timing input signals, including all monitoring systems.

The SUS ETM (D1001725-v8) and BS/ITM/FM (D1002741-v4) wiring diagrams were updated to accommodate these signals. This also required updates to the h2susauxb478 and h2susauxb6 models, which were corrected and committed. However, while working on h2susauxb478 I found that there were some discrepancies in the input channel mappings. The wiring seems to be missing mappings for the following channels:

BS Left Slow I (rms)
    BS Left Fast I
    BS Left Volt Mon
    BS Side Slow I (rms)
    BS Side Fast I
    BS Side Volt Mon

The model that was committed is therefore incomplete, and will need to be updated once the wiring diagram has been fixed. NOTICE: neither model was rebuilt or installed.

Comments related to this report
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 17:22, Friday 21 October 2011 (1603)

It turns out that the missing BS monitor channels were actually there, just mapped back up into ADC0.  I have corrected the h2susauxb478 model with all channels, and recommitted.

NOTE: This model is still not rebuit or installed.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.