I tagged this as AOS, but not sure if that does the trick.
Last Friday we (Matt and I) connected the BOSEMs to the CDS system. We mounted the 'test stand' interface plate to the Bosch frame and connected the field cables on one side and the female-female cables from the BOSEM quad-fanout cable to the interface plate (by borrowing two female-female cables from Betsy). The original ~200in cables are being tested.
We rearranged the BOSEMs around to reflect their position on the EPICS screen (F1, F2, F3 and LF), although the RT and SD BOESMs didn't give us any signal. This may be due to the fact that thy are on the second quad-fanout calbe and not connected to the right 9-pin micro-D-sub connector. We used SUS_CUST_TMTS_M1_OSEM_ALIGN.adl (no H2?) to align the BOSEMs w.r.t the flags, this was a bit cumbersome because we didn't have the fancy socket drives:)
We populated the various matixes on SUS_CUST_TMTS_OVERVIEW.adl. We noticed that the monster matrix SUS_CUST_TMTS_M1_DRIVERALIGN.adl has all the elements 'ON' by default, which we may want to set to 'OFF' by deafult. We tried to implement some crued damping filters, but it turned out that the coil outputs didn't go into the DAC (as seen on the EPICS screens, either H2SUSTMSY_DAC_MONITOR_0.adl or H2IOPSUSB6_DAC_MONITOR_0.adl).
We informed Dave, but on the Friday afternoon we left it as is.
see the next post for the fix and features https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=1617