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Reports until 00:31, Monday 31 October 2011
Logbook Admin Feature Requests
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:31, Monday 31 October 2011 (1642)
aLOG should have an option to allow sorting of entries by latest comment date

The aLOG currently sorts log entries by their original post date. Comments have no affect on this sort order.  This has the effect of hiding comments, since people who are following the head of the log can easily miss them as old log entries fall off page.

However, I believe that comments make previous posts relevant again.  If there was an option to sort log entries by the most recent date in the thread, then followers would be able to see newly relevant information as it comes in.

As long as threads continue to be grouped together when displayed, there shouldn't be any confusion about what log the comment is in regards to.

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