Reports until 16:29, Tuesday 01 November 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:29, Tuesday 01 November 2011 - last comment - 18:40, Wednesday 02 November 2011(1649)
ITMy monolithic status
Today, Travis, Giles, and Danny removed the remaining stock ends from the broken fibers on ITMY.  Then, with Jason's help they finished setting the UIM, PUM, and ITMy (6each) DOFs appropriately in preparation for fiber welding.  This included using the v-block refit with Doug's floating bearings.  Other weld equipment was checked over and calibrated in prep (new tweezer tips, etc.).  I used the DI N2 gun and the vacuum to do some further cleaning of the structure and the ITMy barrel.  I had to dry wipe the top of the barrel mid vacuum to get particulate to come free from the surface. In the end, I think the vacuum with small OD PTFE hose lightly touching the barrel surface did the best job there.

Numbers are being checked once more and we expect to be welding by tomorrow.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 18:40, Wednesday 02 November 2011 (1655)
Attached are Giles' pictures of the breakoffs of the horns for re-welding.  After some analysis of the horn-horn distances, he reports that "the scribing was very successful with all PUM welds looking good (and fairly similar within expected error of about 0.35mm). We just need to be aware of one weld on the ITM which broke 1.3mm too high and slightly above the scribe. This is easy to do with shortening the fibre."
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