Reports until 10:37, Friday 06 February 2015
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:37, Friday 06 February 2015 (16512)
SolidWorks face on view of SR3 showing current baffle

To aid in evaluating whether there is any potential wire heating happening with SR3, please see the attached SW rendering of the HAM5 SR3 view as seen from straight in front of SR3.  While there is not a "wire shielding" baffle in front of the SR3 (which there is on PR3), there is a stray light control baffle.  The aperature of the baffle is slightly larger than the distance between the wires on either side of the optic.  From the point of view in the rendering, the +X wire of the SR3 is exposed to incident beam.  The point of view seems to be pretty representative of the incident beam coming from the BS.  Of course, we could have made an error in placing this baffle which may expose more or less of the wire than shown in the rendering. 

(Note, when zoomed in, the wire shown in the rendering is slightly off since the tiny secondary prism in red was added after the fact and the wire trajectory was not updated.  The wire of course goes over this red prism, not through it as shown.)


The rendering attached can also be found on the dcc at:

Thanks, Eddie S!

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