Reports until 14:47, Friday 13 February 2015
H1 General (CAL, DetChar)
lisa.barsotti@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:47, Friday 13 February 2015 (16726)
Don't look at the calibrated spectra yet
Just to minimize confusion:

- we know that the current calibrated spectra in  H1:CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL_DQ  is wrong, so don't look at this channel yet. There is an overall factor that must be wrong by at least a factor of 2, as the high frequency noise is too good given the current circulating power in the arms;

- also, as explained  here , we know that the floor of the high frequency part of the spectrum is shot noise, but there was something wrong about the power scaling and/or scaling with DARM offset in the high power data from last night, and that's why the calibrated spectrum was not scaling as expected.

(More) Accurate calibration measurements are in progress.