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Reports until 17:48, Tuesday 17 February 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:48, Tuesday 17 February 2015 (16775)
CDS Maintenance Summary

Today was an extended maintenance day, 8am to 5pm.

1. Removal of RFM Cards From End Station Seismic Front End Computers

Cyrus, Jim, Dave: WP5051

The RFM 5565 PCIe cards were removed from the front end computers h1seiex and h1seiey. The procedure was:

The RFM Switch was reconfigured. The port assignments are as follows (green=unchanged, blue=changed)

port before after
2 SUS empty
3 empty empty
4 empty empty
5 empty empty
6 empty empty

When the seismic FE computer was powered back on, they gliched all the other computers in the fabric (both end statins). We restarted all the user models on h1susex, h1susey, h1iscex and h1iscey.

This closes WP5051

2. Testing New EPICS Gateways

Cyrus: WP5053

Please see Cyrus's alogs.

3. Restart of h1ecatx1

Daniel, Dave:

It was time for h1ecatx1's fortnightly freeze, which it faithfully did at 10am. We rebooted h1ecatx1 and all came back up automatically.

4. Reboot of Guardian Machine

Jamie, Dave:

The h1guardian0 machine was rebooted to test autostartup after reboot and change the NFS client mount options to turn off file attribute caching. Please refer to Jamie's logs for details.

5. Loading Filter Module Files

The following models had partially loaded filter module files. I performed a full COEFF load on: h1isiitmy, h1isiham4, h1isibs, h1isiitmx, h1suspr3, h1susim, h1sussr3, h1susomc, h1susbs, h1lsc, h1asc, h1scimc, h1sushtts

The model h1calcs reported a modified filter file, but this was a latched condition and the filter file was actually identical to the running configuration. I pressed the COEFF load to remove the warning.

The model h1tcscs is reporting a modified filter file, it has new filters for ITMY_CO2_CHILLER_SERVO_GAIN. I have emailed Aidan and Alastair for guidance.

6. Models With Local Modifications Pending SVN Commit


Attached is the list of FE code which have local mods relative to the SVN repository

7. Guardian Nodes/MEDM Check

Jamie, Dave:

Nodes which exist but not on OVERVIEW MEDM (temporary nodes): TIDAL_HACK.

Nodes on OVERVIEW MEDM which dont exist (placeholders): IFO, PSL


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