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Reports until 23:54, Wednesday 18 February 2015
alexan.staley@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:54, Wednesday 18 February 2015 - last comment - 00:40, Thursday 19 February 2015(16805)

Alexa, Evan, Dan


With the IFO locked on DC readout at 2.8W we measured a DARM OLTF for Kiwamu's calibration. The ESD linearization was OFF. The template can be found under: /ligo/home/alexan.staley/Public/DARM/. I have attached the txt file of the TF.

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alexan.staley@LIGO.ORG - 00:40, Thursday 19 February 2015 (16806)

We locked on DC readout at 7:43 UTC on Feb 18, 2015; however I was running a TF the entire time and caused the lockloss. So this isn't worth anyone looking into locklosses or coherences. Tonight we were also able to increase the input power to 7.8W without any trouble while on RF DARM. We did NOT transition to DC readout at this higher power because we noticed that the 13.8 Hz roll mode was rather large; when we tried damping this we ended up blowing the lock. More damping to be done... 

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