Reports until 18:05, Tuesday 08 November 2011
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:05, Tuesday 08 November 2011 (1681)
dust monitors moved for HAM-11/12 ICC
The dust monitor at LVEA location 3 in the LVEA ISI/QUAD test stand was moved to the fiber welding area in the LVEA probably sometime between 15:00 and 16:00 PST today by Jeff G.

The dust monitor at LVEA location 7 was moved from the previous location of the H2 electronics racks to LVEA location 11 between the clean room over HAM12 and the clean room over the LVEA ISI/QUAD test stand at around 16:00 PST today.

The data for LVEA location 11 is not yet in the frames. The alarm settings also need to be updated.