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Reports until 11:56, Tuesday 24 February 2015
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:56, Tuesday 24 February 2015 (16864)
Changes to ASC model to accommodate QUAD top stage bounce and roll damping using AS WFS (WP#5069)
[Jeff K, Stuart A, Kiwamu I]

To accommodate QUAD top stage bounce and roll mode damping using AS WFS as the sensor the h1asc model has been modified as follows:

(0) Observation that the h1asc model uses the library ASC part (the l1asc does not), and that h1asc is already checked in the the svn. Snapshots of the l1asc & h1asc top-level models are below. 

(1) Removed 2 RFM receivers from h1asc which were producing IPC errors (see IPC snapshot below). After discussing with Daniel it was established that these channels are no longer used (i.e. H1:ALS-X_REFL_B_SLOW_RFM & H1:ALS-Y_REFL_B_SLOW_RFM), thus inputs were terminated to the ASC block (IN_GR_PDHX & IN_GR_PDHY), as is also the case at LLO.

(2) Had to disable the link to the ASC library part, after discussing with Kiwamu, so that the AS_B_RF45_Q_PIT signal could be routed though to the top-level (see h1asc ASC snapshot below).

(3) Added 2 RFM and 1 IPC senders from h1asc to each QUAD i.e. channels H1:ASC-ETMX_AS_B_RF45_Q_P (card 0), H1:ASC-ETMY_AS_B_RF45_Q_P (card 1), and H1:ASC-ITM_AS_B_RF45_Q_P (see snapshot of new h1asc top-level model below).

(4) Renamed OAF channel names with CAL.

This model has been built, installed, and restarted during this mornings maintenance, with no issues.

I’ve checked the h1asc model into the svn:
M        h1asc.mdl
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