Reports until 17:16, Tuesday 24 February 2015
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:16, Tuesday 24 February 2015 (16896)
SDF Monitoring rolled-out for BSFM Suspension
[Stuart A, Betsy W]

After earlier using the front-end to take a safe SDF snapshot of the Beamsplitter Suspension (see LHO aLOG entry 16886), thus stripping out the redundant read-only channels and alarms, I used Jamie's script to set all channels to be monitored (see LLO aLOG entry 15907) i.e.

sdf_set_monitor 1 h1susbs_safe.snap.

I've since manually edited the SDF snapshot setting channels we do not wish to monitor, which are essentially consistent with those reported at LLO (see LLO aLOG entry 15987).

Finally, I've checked the safe SDF snapshot into the svn:
M        h1susbs_safe.snap

Need to monitor for changes in the BSFM configuration as commissioning/locking continues overnight...
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