Reports until 14:03, Thursday 26 February 2015
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:03, Thursday 26 February 2015 - last comment - 15:44, Friday 27 February 2015(16949)
SDF Monitoring rolled-out for rest of Suspensions

This morning, Stuart and I used the SDF front end to take new SAFE.SNAP snapshots of the balance of the suspensions - recall, he had done the BS previously, see alog 16896.


Repeating his alog instructions on how to perform this:

- Transition the Suspension to a SAFE state via Guardian
- On the SDF_RESTORE MEDM screen available via the Suspension GDS_TP screen select FILE TYPE as "EPICS DB AS SDF" & FILE OPTIONS as "OVERWRITE" then click "SDF SAVE FILE" button to push a SDF snap shot to the target area (which is soft-linked to userapps).
- This safe SDF snapshot was then checked into the userapps svn:
M        h1susbs_safe.snap


Note, please don't use the BURT interface to take SAFE.SNAP snapshots anymore, as the SDF monitoring will become disabled.  All other snapshots are free to be taken via BURT, however.


Also, we found many alignment values not saved on IFO_ALIGN which, after confirming with commiss, we saved.

Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 16:36, Thursday 26 February 2015 (16958)
[Betsy W, Stuart A, Jamie R]

After taking safe SDF snapshots for the IM Suspensions, we found that Guardian had crashed for the IM2 and IM3 when we had attempted to transition them from SAFE to ALIGNED states. Oddly IM1 and IM4 still transitioned fine.

Upon checking the Guardian log it was apparent it was falling over for IM2 & IM3 immediately after reading the alignments from the *.snap files. Under initial inspection there was nothing obviously different or wrong with the IM2 & IM3 alignment files.

After contacting Jamie, he noticed an extra carriage return at the end of the IM2 & IM3 alignment files, which was causing issues for Guardian. Removal of the carriage return, and reloading Guardian rectified the problem.
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 18:00, Thursday 26 February 2015 (16965)

To be clear, the IM2/3 guardian nodes hadn't crashed, they had just gone into ERROR because of the snap file parsing issue.

Also to be clear, there is a bug in the ezca.burtwb() method, which is being used to restore the alignment offsets, such that it doesn't properly ignore blank lines.  This will be fixed.

Unclear why these alignment snap files had these extra blanklines.  My guess is that they were hand edited at some point.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 15:44, Friday 27 February 2015 (16985)

Above, when I said  "Note, please don't use the BURT interface to take SAFE.SNAP snapshots anymore, as the SDF monitoring will become disabled.  All other snapshots are free to be taken via BURT, however."

I was just speaking to SUS safe.snaps.  Sorry for the confusion.