Reports until 15:19, Thursday 10 November 2011
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:19, Thursday 10 November 2011 (1701)
Comparing H2SUSFMY to X1SUSBSFM01 (The Same Suspension)
So, following up a little further on Jeff and my diagnosis of H2 SUS FMY (the suspension formerly known as X1 SUS BSFM01), I attach a comparison between the data taken on Tuesday (111108, in Black) vs. the last data taken before it was transported over to the LVEA (110823, in Orange).

A few of my concerns are reduced to "don't worry about it's" immediately:
- In comparing model vs. measurement, lower frequencies on high frequency modes in T, V, and R are expected -- they match this suspension's previous measurements.
- Though the highest frequency Y mode discrepancy is a measurement resolution issue. The 110823 measurement was taken at a 0.01 Hz BW across the 0.01 - 50 Hz band in DTT, where the 111108 measurement was taken with a 0.5 Hz resolution in the 0.5 to 15 Hz band. We'll fix this for future iterations. My guess is that the resonance is just fine.

However, the mysteries that still remain are:
- What's that bump at 0.65 Hz in L?
- What's the rubbing 'causing the lowest Pitch DOF modes to be lossy / invisible?

Plots produced by 

and should be easily adaptable to future measurements by just adding information to measList and defining which to plot in useMeasts. Note that it relies on .mat files that have been produced by running
with saveData = true. 
Non-image files attached to this report