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Reports until 10:09, Tuesday 03 March 2015
H1 CAL (DetChar, ISC)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:09, Tuesday 03 March 2015 - last comment - 15:10, Tuesday 03 March 2015(17037)
H1 CAL-CS BurtRestored to 02:10a PST
J. Kissel

While poking around the CAL-CS model after the recent changes (see LHO aLOG 17034), I noticed two things:
(1) All of the EPICs settings had been lost, even though I'd made sure to capture a safe.snap of the model before restarting the front end model. Not sure what happened there. In the mean time, I've burtrestored the model to 02:10a PST (i.e. before I got started, while DARM was locked, happy, and producing megaparsecs), which hopefully has captured / restored most of Kiwamu's hard work (LHO aLOGs 16698, 16733, 16780, 16798, and 16843).

(2) Because of a version control mix up in the CAL_CS_MASTER.mdl library part, the names for the whitened versions of the closed-loop and open-loop DARM displacement signals, i.e. (what are now) H1:CAL-CS_DARM_RESIDUAL_WHITEN and H1:CAL-CS_DARM_DELTAL_EXTERNAL_WHITEN have changed since we last updated the h1calcs model. The bank names are now typo free -- but that means I've had to re-install the 1^5 : 100^5 (5 zeros at 1 [Hz], 5 poles at 100 [Hz]) whitening filter used to get above the double precision noise in frame storage (see LLO aLOG 16789). 

Maybe I'll ask my fellow detector engineers to help me get an SDF system up and running for this model, so we can better track the changes.
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:10, Tuesday 03 March 2015 (17051)
J. Kissel

I've figured out what happened: when capturing the h1calcs safe.snap, I used the canned script
which writes the output .snap file to the sanctioned location in the userapps repository. 

HOWEVER, because the h1calcs.mdl is relatively new, we (read as: ME, when I installed it) didn't remember to replace the automatically generated safe.snap file, here
with a soft link to the sanctioned userapps location,

Perhaps I had gotten complacent, because I had thought that makeSafeBackup *makes* the softlink if it doesn't exist. But, looking at the code line-by-line, it may try to make the code, but if your account account doesn't have permission to *remove* a file created by controls (because we're forced to compile and install on the front-ends as controls), then it doesn't overwrite the file and create the softlink. Whichever, excuses, excuses -- I missed it.

I've now
(a) created the softlink by hand,
(b) captured a NEW safe.snap to gather all of the new channels I added with the IMC/CARM upgrade as well as the typo-fix to the DARM channels, 
(c) ran an sdf_set_monitor over the entire file
(d) pushed the "monitor all channels" safe.snap to the front end via the SDF system -- i.e. hitting the "load table only" button, because the "safe" is the file chosen by default to define the table,
(e) confirmed there were NO channels unmonitored, and the only channels that show an error are some hardware injection channels that show up because of a known bug in the parsing of string channels, and
(e) committed the newly SDF tagged safe.snap file to the userapps repo
As I (or someone else) continue(s) to fill out the infrastructure for IMC and CARM, (and eventually MICH, SRCL and PRCL) we'll update the data base accordingly, but I don't expect DARM to change much for the forseeable future.
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