Reports until 22:20, Monday 09 March 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:20, Monday 09 March 2015 - last comment - 23:11, Monday 09 March 2015(17154)
SRM guardian mumbo jumbo

Something happened to the SRM guardian.  First we had the "can't proceed suspending" problem described in alog 16880.  Evan logged into the guardian machine, killed the process, and restarted it. 

It came back, but with some states we don't expect (like align to PD4?).  Also, there seems to be something wrong with the drop down list of requestable states, for example, "tripped" is an option in that menu.  In the attached screen shot you can see that the drop down menu doesn't correspond to the actual requested state.  I've closed and opened the medm screen several times with the same result. 

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jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 23:11, Monday 09 March 2015 (17155)

The weird REQUEST states where my fault.  I pushed a new version that I was going to deploy tomorrow, and there was a very minor bug that I've now fixed.  Restarting the node should fix that problem.

Still don't know what the epicsMutex thing is about...