Reports until 15:54, Friday 11 November 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:54, Friday 11 November 2011 (1716)
ITMy Monolithic status
(Betsy, Travis, Jason, Mark)

Mark measured the violin modes of the UIM-PUM loop. 

Put the reaction lower suspension (CP) in a triple hang. We again had to move more weight front to back than expected on the mass, indicating something fishy with the UIM weight symmetry in general.  Or something else.

Revisited the main chain triple hang, this time adding the magnet payload.  We again had to make multiple iterations to move ~100g to the front to correct for pitch seen on the PUM.  We currently only have (2) 62.5g masses on the back (magnet side) and we are still pitched up by:

5.217mRad up the UIM (measured with auto-level over short front to back lever arm of UIM)
4.384mRad up at the PUM
5.796mRad up at the ITMy

So, it looks like we are on for another round of moving mass on Monday.